It’s common in this country for senior citizens to live alone instead of with friends or family. Some are widowed or divorced, while others have always been single. Not everyone is pleased with this living arrangement. An older person who has enough land might be interested in having an accessory dwelling unit built on the property. This project can be completed by an ADU contractor in Westminster, CA.
This additional residential structure might be rented to a friend or relative. It could even be rented to someone the property owner doesn’t know but who has excellent references and is interested in a co-housing type of arrangement. In some instances, two senior friends would like to live close to each other. The work of an ADU contractor in Westminster, CA provides an ideal solution.
New Opportunities
With these individuals living close to each other, there are new opportunities for companionship and a better support system. They might have lunch or dinner occasionally or frequently. They could schedule movie nights and play board games. Life is enriched compared to when the property owner lived alone.
Cost Considerations
If the owner charges rent, it will likely take many years before those payments recoup the addition’s cost. Nevertheless, this real estate is worth significantly more with an ADU and will bring in extra money during resale. Also, rent income likely isn’t the priority here. Rewarding companionship and social support are the most important goals.
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