Frequently Asked Questions About Roof Coating in Tucson

by | Jul 26, 2018 | Roofing

Many homes in the Tucson area are constructed with flat roofs designed to mimic the popular Santa Fe building style. It’s important for homeowners to recognize that these types of roofs require specialized care.

By installing flat Roof Coating in Tucson, residents can improve the longevity of their roofs, prevent leaks, and even improve their homes’ energy efficiency. Those who are interested in learning more about flat roof coating systems can read on to find answers to some frequently asked questions about them below.

Why Are They Necessary?

Flat roof coatings extend the expected lifespan of the roof by helping to decrease thermal shock and mitigate leaks. They also reduce heat transfer through the roof, which is important during Arizona’s hot summer months. To add to these practical benefits, roof coatings also improve the curb appeal of Santa Fe style homes.

Do New Roofs Require Coating?

It’s a good idea to install roof coating as soon as possible after the roof has been completed. Of course, existing roofs can also benefit from roof coating, but they must first be cleaned thoroughly and, in certain circumstances, have a primer coat applied.

How Long Will the Coating Last?

When they choose to hire a professional to install high-quality Roof Coating in Tucson, residents can expect their coating systems to last ten years or more. It’s important to note, however, that performance varies depending on factors such as weather conditions, what type of coating has been chosen, and how thickly it has been applied.

Can a Roof Be Recoated?

The majority of roof coating systems are renewable, meaning they can be reapplied once the old coat has begun to wear. Keep in mind that the application of the initial coat and any subsequent recoating should only be performed when temperatures are above 50 degrees and there is no rain forecasted for at least 24 hours.

Should the Coating Be Professionally Installed?

It’s always best to hire a roofing company like Ralph Hays Roofing to apply coating systems, as this allows homeowners to find out about any potential problems they might not notice themselves and to fix them before the coating is applied. Most manufacturers’ warranties are also voided by the self-application of coating systems. Click here to learn how to get in touch with a contractor who can help today.

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