Take Care Of Roofing in Canton MI

by | Apr 18, 2018 | Roofing

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A leaky roof results from neglect or storm damage that was not repaired. When a roof is neglected, it fails sooner than roofs that are regularly inspected and repaired. When high wind or dangerous storm events happen, have the roof inspected for damage. When a roof is older than a few years, get it inspected every year or so. Repairing a roof promptly after damage or in wear spots can help the roof last years longer, saving the homeowner money and inconvenience.

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When A New Roof Is Needed

How does the homeowner know when to replace a roof. No one wants to replace a roof unless it is necessary because of the large expense and the inconvenience. But, roofs that have been badly damaged by storms or high winds may need to be replaced to avoid interior damage from water leaks. Roofs that are more than 10 years old should be inspected for damage and wear on a regular basis. Roofs do have a limited lifespan. They do not last forever, no matter how well they are cared for.

When a roof starts leaking, it is a definite sign something is drastically wrong. A roofing in Canton, MI company such as New Roof Inc. should be called for repair or replacement bids. It is a good practice to find two or three reputable roofing companies to bid on the roofing job. This way a customer can get a better price. Any roofing contractor considered should have local licensing, insurance, and high BBB ratings. The roofers who have a website give out important company information and photos of completed jobs.

The Roofing Process

When it is determined that the roof must be replaced and financing is taken care of, the job can start. The roofing contractor in Canton, MI should provide a contract and a tight work schedule. No one wants their roof removed and left vulnerable while the roofer takes off to finish another job or take the weekend off. Ask for a start to finish schedule with no down days. Why? Because the roofing must be removed, the roof deck repaired as needed, and the new barrier layer and shingles or other roofing installed before the roof is waterproof again. No one wants a roofing job to be incomplete when a rainstorm comes.

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